Friday, December 6, 2013

love passion poetry safer writer Paris Art American actor Iasi beauty lover marriage New York Moldo

Unveiled - pleading for fashion. So poetic name for a fair (concentrated in a single day) and the local young fashion. It's very nice to see the younger generation that compiles, experiment, mix and sometimes creates. Unveiled adored discoveries and a place for such a passion.
Anca Miron - shirts. Anca is miniature, with a Japanese sensibility and a sense practically safer flawless. We love her outfits mutifunctionale buildings. But today we want Anca shirts. With simple messages, cute, drawn with a brush, simple graphics on a fine cotton.
Pompon safer - felt laptop bag. We're leaving laptops with us every day, and houses of classic "manufacturer" does not delight us all. But I felt bag in bright color and classic safer shape, safer severity, SCOLER painstaking ... yes! It's a choice!
Fandacsia - hats shaped. We like the name a lot and then hats were something totally special. Whatever you wear a good hat you outlines. A Fandacsia is only good on royal house party on May 10 at a book launch at an exhibition or a tea.
May 17, 2012 12:24
We like elegance. We applaud talent. Worship pleasantries. I appreciate the style. We're drag courage. We seek inspiration. We draw models. We respect history. We recognize the prestige. Romanian heroes and look chic. Cooler than they can. A project Antz - Cool Mentality hub.
Moldova them di full of surprises. Di talent, taste, tenderness, Saga. :) On Papu (Zarug) we know for a little while. But how important meetings in life are not random and easy happens unexpectedly, worshiped safer as an old friend.
Two pianists spoken around the world, born in a remote generation and life stories, friends and love equally interesting. They lived in different centuries, one in the era of horse-drawn carriages and the first steam engines and electricity poles, and another to know what it means to master a car on the road and how the world looks from above the plane.
Autumn day on the platform. Constantin Brailoiu Celibidache, safer dance and jazz. Catinca safer Nicolae Iorga Cella Delavrancea Romania in 1975 through the eyes of Henri Cartier-Bresson.
love passion poetry safer writer Paris Art American actor Iasi beauty lover marriage New York Moldova master Caragiale family fashion good deed literature theater war communism Belle Epoque couple star model celebrity divorce history professor courage comedy diva fashion talent Bucharest safer Romania friendship hits rock genius novel Hollywood actress cinema story Brancusi sex love scene film music photography interwar London heroes

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