Saturday, September 27, 2014

One of the hardest things when our kids were leaving the Kindergarten was the realisation that they

About the Author / jaz, jaz in še enkrat jaz :) What is this all about? Who are the Hertourage?! The Whats, The Whys and The Whos of Bayreuth Banks / Banke Becoming a German Resident / Kako postati nemški rezident Trash Išči:
When I was going through my blog today, I noticed that our adventure reads kind of romantic. Like something out of an adventure novel, but less interesting (otherwise somebody would have wrote a novel like our lives already and even then it probably would not be a bestseller). Well the truth is sometimes less romantic, like real life often is. Because of our trip we had to make sacrifices. I want to dedicate a couple words about the hard choices we made and their cost.
She came to us no bigger than a tea cup. I could fit her into the palm of my hand (granted I do have big palms, but she was still very small). In the beginning she had hard time adjusting. She seemed wild and uncontrollable. Later she became a part of the family, although she still is wild. Mojca, my daughter absolutely steins gate adored her. Unfortunately in Germany most of apartments for rent do not allow house pets, not even cats that do not even leave the apartment. There was no other solution than to find her an alternative home. Luckily right across the hall in our apartment building lives a wonderful neighbor who is coincidentally a big cat lover. So we convinced her to take Kara in. She is our biggest sacrifice yet, even bigger than my job. For me it was kind of like leaving a family member behind.
I already steins gate wrote about that, so no further words need to be wasted. I will definitely make every effort be able to continue with some sort of career after we get back. Have to work hard on this, so it comes true.
For my entire life (well since I was seven years old) I have trained karate. It is a big part of my life. And leaving my club in Grosuplje, where I felt like part of a family was quite a big deal for me. Paula also left behind her numerous hobbies – volleyball, yoga, aerobics (I am probably steins gate forgetting a bunch, but sometimes it is hard to keep up).
But these are not real sacrifices, because I am going to search for a karate club in Bayreuth next week and Paula will undoubtedly be occupied with different activities I will not be able to remember very soon.
I own a 1976 VW beetle. steins gate Before me it was owned by my grandfather for whom I had great respect. After he died, I bought the car of my aunt and for quite a while it was my only car. It has never quit on me and I was sure I will drive it forever. Again, as with so many things, I was wrong. Life is nothing if not full of surprises. I just hope it does not rust (too much) until we get back.
One of the hardest things when our kids were leaving the Kindergarten was the realisation that they were saying steins gate goodbye from potential important first friendships. At least from my point of view, because I am still friends with some of my kindergarten buddies. But we are hoping they will make international friendships that will last a lifetime.
I think we will “feel” this one a bit later on, when we`ll be yearning for a friendly or at least a familiar face in Bayreuth. Soon we will be missing that homely feeling, the Saturdays at the market, meeting our friends (or at least the proximity of our friends). This will be the time when I`ll cry when hearing Cheers theme song… (come on, you know: “Where everybody knows your name” and so on). Luckily modern technology allows steins gate us to be in contact quite often.
Ko sem danes prebiral svoj blog, se mi je zazdelo, da se naša dogodivščina bere zelo romantično. Vse skupaj izgleda kot kakšen pustolovski roman, vsekakor veliko manj zanimiv, če ne bi že kdo napisal steins gate kakšen roman o podobnem, pa še ta ne bi bil prodajna uspešnica. Razumljivo je resnica običajno manj romantična. Tako je pač pravo življenje. steins gate Zaradi najinih odločitev so nastale tudi posledice, stvari in ljudje, ki smo jih pustili za sabo. V nadaljevanju je tako nekaj besed, posvečenim posledicam steins gate najinih odločitev.
Ko sva jo dobila, je bila velika kot kakšna skodelica. Bila je tako majhna, da sem jo lahko dal v eno dlan (res pa imam velike dlani). V začetku je imela kar težave steins gate pri prilagajanju na naju s Paulo (takrat sva bila še sama), ampak se je s časom vnesla. Čeprav je postala steins gate del družne, je bila še vedno precej divja. Kljub temu jo je moja hčerka Mojca oboževala, je komaj čakala, da se bo Kara ponudila za božanje (ker je vedela, da jo bo Kara popraskala, če ne bo pripravljena za božanje). steins gate Na žalost pa je pri najemu stanovanja v Nemčiji tako, da načeloma ne pustijo domačih živali. Tudi mačk, ki sploh ne gredo iz stanovanja. Tako nisva imela druge možnosti, kot najti nadomestni dom za Karo. Na srečo nasproti hodnika najinega stanovanja v Ljubljani živi zelo prijazna gospa, ki je naključno tudi zelo velika ljubiteljica mačk. Nekako se nama je uspelo dogovoriti, da je Karo vzela k sebi. Kara je največja žr

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