Friday, March 13, 2015

2013 (18) October (1) August (6) April (4) March (4) shit bar- ley bread: What makes a ga

We have lying around the house in the old garden furniture. The eye was so ugly to watch. They would have to send the dump to the summer around the house in order. But it is so difficult to dump the economy. It was easier to do it yourself time. One corner after all, it would take away all the house where the residents could enjoy a summer garden (live in rented space). pool 8 When I began to read these pieces of furniture than it turned out that I have 3 chairs, 1 deckchair and 1 large table. Sunscreen was also, however, it would not be enough time to bother. The worst was just their color. Grey. As would be tsemenditolmuga pool 8 covered. The work itself was simple: wash all the pieces of furniture, to destroy the deadly mürgiämblikute nests, painted spreivärviga. And in the end had to add just enough accessories. Before and after pictures:
2013 (18) October (1) August (6) April (4) March (4) shit bar- ley bread: What makes a garden table to another nation? Rye Piece Grinder mat mixture of rye bread with a good breakfast today I have se ... February (1) January (2) 2012 (1) December (1)

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