Friday, October 18, 2013

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Shemot {20:18} And they heard the thunder and see the lightning and hear the sound ikimulika the Shofar on the mountain that was the smoke smoke, all that fear and trembling. Both were standing apart, {20:19} and to Moshe (Moses), 'Speak to us yourself and we will listen, but do not let Gd speak with us, lest we die. "{20:20} and he said to them," Fear not, for M- He has come to test that you may fear Him always and do not sin. "{20:21} And all the people were standing off when Moshe approached the thick cloud: he lived in Gd.
It is a revelation to me how! Now I know where the writer of the film "Wizard of Oz" had gotten his information. "Do not pay attention to the man behind the Curtain. (Usimjali much that was existing behind the scenes" sentences this famous from the film, perhaps a part of the records of each in relation to this film lived. agave And surely those who have seen the movie you remember at Hickory / Tin Man, Hunk / Scarecrow, Zeke / Cowardly Lion, dog Toto and Dorothy Gale when they stood in front of the curtain which was a display of interesting the agitation of the image of a wizard speaking voice kuunguruma when thunder, lightning and smoke vikiunguruma around them . travelers the five trouble did not dare They moved the show of force. Instead they stood trembling with fear in front of a picture on it either later discover exactly what is happening. Picture perfect was a display agave of maneuvers of kitekinologia and operation of a television set up and operated by one man short , a dense shape of its kind, the person behind the scenes. agave
Did you know that until I read this parasha, maybe this is the twentieth time, I never connect between these two things? Could it be that this filami inamkejeli was designed in 1939 and I've never recognize HaShem? Do suguika much so that I've never recognize it? The answer to all these questions is YES and I certainly jivunii not!
Do you see how cinema has seen a similar conviction may be n

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