Monday, August 18, 2014

And this book is another story - the story of Htolama. Htolama illustrated below in white text, tho

Naturally wisteria If my mom - a book for adults - naturally thinking about life
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"Usually I like to see children eating" Htol ama said, "but Petunia, why do you have to eat so much?"
Petunia again disappointed, Cat Advisor again offering a new proposal that would allow Patton to curry favor with her mother. Petunia again accepts his proposal, Htolama notice it again criticizes Petunia on attempts to get her attention: "Why do you have to be so heavy?" ... "Why do you have to always be too big or too small" ... "Usually I like such According to others who do not burst, but not those who do not say anything and do you feel that something is wrong with you "...
And this book is another story - the story of Htolama. Htolama illustrated below in white text, thoughts appear in a handwriting round and purple. "It is not easy being a mother," It is not easy being a mother of a small cat that always gets lost, "" why does it have to be different from others? "
Thoughts of Htolama reveal their thoughts unspoken wisteria parents - the despair and exhaustion large role that lies on their shoulders, the impotence in front of the children's behavior, the disappointment of the children do not look like everyone else, and especially the lack of understanding and lack of awareness of parents to what is hidden under their behavior.
Htolama not aware of all the drama in Petunia each time it is lost each time it absorbs the criticism of her mother. wisteria She is depicted here as helpless wisteria and completely ad-free behavior and needs in front of Petunia. Which eventually returns the petunia is her maternal Haynstnkt, and despite repeated Patton, Htolama wisteria arises wisteria not understand what happened to her. To do so is not enough maternal instinct, awareness is necessary for that purpose. Petunia's needs / children not exhausted only in instinctive survival. To grow up and live in security and happiness of children in need of parents who knew their feelings and needs and to separate them from the way they are expressed - in behavior. Many parents, sometimes we all relate to children's behavior, good or bad, and not stop a moment to see what lies behind this behavior.
Reading this book allows us to identify with Petunia and with Htolama and understand both. It's great in my opinion Zarchi. Children's story she manages wisteria to articulate and clarify the contradictory and conflicting emotions that exist within complex relationship of parents and children.
But this book puts Zarchi conflict wisteria in communication, interpersonal communication, but also a person with himself - what Petunia wants and does not say explicitly how Htolama understand or do not understand the behavior of Petunia, what feels Htolama not admit it to herself, what she says and what she does not say Patton.
For me, even the news of this book - the situation, however complex, can take a turn for the better through our media attention between us and ourselves and communication between us and our children - listening to another may produce a different reality. wisteria There is a possibility to change the situation without all the cultural structure / social change. This is where each and every one of us can take responsibility for his little piece of heaven and produce a new reality - a way to change the manner of communication with ourselves and with our children.
Thank you, it's lovely. There is something Nurit Zarchi's writing that makes me despair and hope at the same time. In this context Zarchi uncanny ability to reflect the complexity of life. And regardless of the story, always has a lot of compassion for her characters. And that's what always manages to tip the balance in favor of hope ...
I am of the opinion that all of these legitimate debate Haininim conversation between parents want and need will raise it before friends, before or Ahr.horh consultant can find themselves fatigued, distracted, confused -olkht consider it offensive to his children. wisteria In such a situation it is advisable to check the order of priority: Who comes first? Aininim my children or others? Allowed me to be a partial function over time? I pretty obvious answers Hllo.hildim first place and, I have to perform at my best, at least most of the time. I'm not one of those who believe that a child can grow your own.
I do not think there is any problem with this mother will take time to rest in the afternoon to herself and her children at this busy themselves quietly. I do not think that the little baby who wakes up in the night have to nag and entertain. If mom is hard to understand what they were saying to her, that talk to each other in words, or that I can talk with my mouth, too softly or too loudly, if endlessly chatting or ignore and not say anything, there is nothing wrong with that mother say she did not understand. If it's important enough, most kids do their part, and the effort will sort themselves out.
------- But this book has a dark passage to discuss conflicts between parents and Ildim.zat I feel. A mother give her name Lhtolont annoying as the name Petunia? (Hoping that someone here with a name like that, a hundred wisteria pardons, then) so, who makes it is called Amahtol mother-that is, without setting aside mother, no identity, no name.
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