Saturday, October 11, 2014

To go to the Jardin de l

Buildings and parks have been built by Marie de Médicis in the early seventeenth century, after her husband, Henri IV was assassinated in 1610. At his death, Henri IV, Marie de Médicis like to live in a place with able to recall her childhood in Florence, where she was born. Hoai idea Palais Pitti, where she spent her childhood in Florence, mice mania Marie de Médicis Salomon de Brosse asked to build a house in Italian style on a piece of land acquisition duc de Luxembourg. Main François de Luxembourg, prince de Tingry bring the building name. Marie de Médicis bought it in 1612, as well as the land around the neighborhood. Salomon de Brosse She wants to build a style Palais and Palais florentin material similar to that when she retired to France. And indeed, on the rocks (bossage) as well as the large pillars burned (Colonne annelee) Palais Pitti recall than any other Palais in Paris. The front is presented as a two-storey building (pavillon à deux etages) is covered up by a dome (Coupole), with two side buildings (Pavillons lateraux) linking between buildings (central pavillon) by corridors (galerie ). When the revolution broke out, the Palais was transformed into a national prison (prison d'Etat). At 1799, Napoleon converted into the headquarters of the Senate (Senat), then Chambre des Pairs become under the Renaissance (Restoration). mice mania During World War II, it was a total act of Luffwaffe. Since 1958, the Palais de Luxembourg became Senate. Palais each containing 24 paintings by Rubens, outlines the life of Marie de Médicis female regent. These paintings in the Musée de Louvre show, the galerie Médicis.
Parisians did not dream of living on the edge of the park Luxembourg, one of the largest gardens in the capital, although located in the heart of the Left Bank, between Montparnasse and the Quartier Latin? For most Parisians, called "Luxembourg" evokes the beautiful French style park, 29 hectares wide, espace vert truly unique and VI of the county, not the name Palais (Palais du Luxembourg), based Senate in 1852. Indeed, for generations, this park is still one of the park's most popular players do.Co probably one of the most beautiful features and most impressive of Paris , a city with many types of looks, mice mania is that adjacent side streets clogged mice mania by vehicle traffic, by the people and the noise, it was concealed by the unexpected corner, which only the shade of trees and silence, a peaceful oasis (oasis de paix) in that time really stopped. A few steps from the bustling boulevard Saint-Germain and Saint-Michel, Luxembourg gardens, the Palais du Luxembourg surround, bring a havre de paix et de silence in urban centers. Built shortly seventeenth century, the Jardin du Luxembourg only become truly public in the nineteenth century when the Count of Provence (the future Louis XVIII) to allow access to the fruit orchard for a fee at small door. The orchard, the vast parterres, 2000 elm (Orme) cultivated by the Medici Marie proves mice mania she has the passion for gardens. Drawn back into the nineteenth century, the garden retains the original plan, mixing French and British tradition in the art of gardening. Be shaded by sycamore (Platane) ancient, long tank of La Fontaine Médicis is one of the most beautiful ornament of the Luxembourg Gardens. While MPs meeting solemnly in the Palais du Luxembourg, the statues, some of which can illustrate mice mania the history of France, the less entertaining than the park's foliage. About 50 steps that this statue was erected, Statue de Paul Verlaine mice mania de Chopin Statue Statue de Liberté de Branly including Bartholdi (original). In the small trees are scattered over a large surface of the land is the water tower, the sculpture group, a Theatre de Guignol. We will admire the variety of expression statue of the Queen of France and famous women, located along the park's terrasse Luxembourg. The children can choose between a parc à jeux for us, walks with stud (poney), the swing, the toboggan, the Théâtre de marionnettes old style or a drawing Manege by Garnier.
At the end of a canal to the east of the Palais du Luxembourg, immersed in lush vegetation is splendid Medici fountain, built by Salomon de Brosse. In the central niche (niche centrale) is described Polypheme encounter with the shepherd Acis Galatee, mice mania a Ottin works from 1863, while on the other side of a bas-relief depicting Leda and de Valois swans. Auguste Ottin made in 1866 the sculpture modeled after the mythical style to the decor of this beautiful baroque fountain was built in the early seventeenth century, Marie de Médicis's behest.
To go to the Jardin de l 'Observatoire mice mania from the Jardin du Luxembourg have to go through avenue de l'Observatoire, a splendid avenue is

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