Saturday, May 2, 2015

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href="" <a target="_blank"> <img src = " do / www / delivery electric light orchestra / avw.php zoneid = 8 & amp;? n = a0ed301f "border =" 0 "alt =" "> </a>
Many people complain they can not find the perfect diet to lose those extra pounds electric light orchestra that having more. I will talk in a very good way of how to do and also have fun at the moment. I'm sure even once saw on the street Funtastico Count a machine to dance, because that will be our "helper" who help us lose weight. This machine is called In The Groove (ITG), which causes the user to move as you move your feet to press the arrows. This game is made up of songs and a series of simultaneous steps by displaying you will go to your best effort will you hit the right arrow. There are two ways to play alone or with a partner. Has several levels of difficulty which are: N = novice (novice), E = easy (easy), M = medium (normal), H = hard (hard) and X = Expert. (Expert). To play need not attend a center arcade games but can choose to buy the console electric light orchestra Play Station. So you know, losing weight will not be boring anymore;) PS: by the way here I leave some videos of me at ITG video 1, video 2, video 3; when he was a rookie: D ... Enjoy!
href="" <a target="_blank"> <img src = " do / www / delivery / avw.php zoneid = 3 & amp;? n = a82cb2f0 "border =" 0 "alt =" "> </a> electric light orchestra
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