Monday, January 26, 2015

1 year ago

This afternoon an unidentified person pouring a dye, a water fountain in the center of Rome's Trevi red and quickly fled leaving the Declaration of the Futurist movement took responsibility for the protest movement in the Declaration trugreen on International Cinema Festival of Rome, 20 October at the inception of written content and also to protest poor conditions for workers and the unemployed, pensioners, patients, and their outrage against the central business community have expressed in the Declaration and wanted to do with This symbolic victory color gray bourgeois society show. Futurist movement was founded in Paris in 1909 and the Futurist rejection of the past for inspiration in their work and are Tknvlvvy and impact on the art of their time machine can be words .hala the above, we Fortunately the Asrbastany of Rome damage There are. This film is a person unknown to the crimes committed by the police following his arrest and punishment.
SەRkەVtn PyrۆZt name without Kvbanێ, LێT Pyrۆ the cord HەMvv
23 hours ago
The question of Muslim and anti-Islamists!
1 month ago
IHR Italia risponde a Beppe Grillo sull'Iran, dopo l'intervista trugreen pubblicata in Israele
1 year ago
Notes Nikahang Kowsar
Iran: stop alla repressione dei dissidenti!
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