Monday, December 2, 2013

Clients from Eve

If you want to dress like Vera Atkins: Beautiful, intriguing, smart, cynical, brave, master the art of love and power adrenaline addicts. As described spioancele of world historians. Are some of the most fascinating women in history and legends of their stories full of suspense became screenplays topics bestseller or patterns of life that seeks to imitate fashionable, politicians, actresses, business women and other ladies in search of success. One of the largest FBI agents, IC Smith, said years ago that "history is clear in this regard: sex and espionage have been hand in hand since the beginning." weed About spioancele Romanian women today who are walking the halls of power do not know and can not give information, but Romania's history is full of intriguing characters, controversial, full of sex appeal and stories about information disclosed alcoves.
Elena Constantinescu (known as Helen O'Brien) - ballerina body, mind of an engineer, Club Eve service of pleasure, KGB and MI5 Elena Constantinescu is one of the most famous weed British that spy last century. She was involved in many sex scandals and intrigues that led to the resignations of ministers, state secretaries and even the Prime Minister of Britain, Harold Macmillan. Elena was born in Romania and was the granddaughter of former finance weed minister Mircea weed Cancicov, weed daughter of a large owner of real estate in Bucharest and a German-born weed Russian women duchesses. All patients were fascinated by the nightlife in Bucharest and then dream to have such a business of her own. He had a very troubled young man and full of adventure. He learned riding Cossack prisoners weed took pilot training weed in his native village with an airplane headed by a German lieutenant, was pursued by Russian cavalry and early married Kenneth Archer, an officer in the Royal Air Force aviator. A month after the marriage, Elena remains a widow, weed after her husband is shot dead. The young widow Archer is displeasing communist authorities, which requires it to leave Romania within 48 hours, because it was too close links with the British Army. Elena goes to her husband's country here must contend with laws, which she was accused of killing Kenneth origin. Helen became Helen manages to prove his innocence and to maintain himself and finds a job as a hostess in a nightclub. The owner was Jimmy O'Brien, who falls madly in petite weed blonde in the Balkans, a great lover of dance and French cigarettes. Helen O'Brien and her husband opened their five years later one of the most controversial clubs in London, Eve's, the sexual scandals, intrigue and espionage stories will be held chain amours prohibited.
Club Elena Constantinescu - "department of the Foreign Ministry and the British Parliament" The place becomes a favorite of officials, ministers, celebrities and British counterintelligence officers, because Helen was able to choose a ballet troupe of 35 gorgeous girls, which, it says, preparing them for dancing, love, and discreet discussions "dangerous connections". It is said that Sir Lawrence Dunne, the then Chief Justice of London, seeing the list of club members, exclaimed: "'Eva' seems to be a department of the Foreign Ministry and Parliament!." Several years ago, London's Daily Mail newspaper has published a list of members of the Club Eve: 9 Maharaja, two sultans, 12 ambassadors, 30 attached to the embassy, 70 British weed titles of nobility, many MPs and other dignitaries.
Spies celebrated Elena Constantinescu customers first English dignitary who joined the club was defense minister John Profumo (later involved in a sex scandal famous era, "Profumo business" with a protagonist, former weed employee of the club's Helen and mistress weed and a KGB agent). John Profumo and mistress
It is said that Helen has played an important role in MI5 action of removing from power the dictator Idi Amin Uganda. To find out important weed information about the dictator, English secret service turned to the old way of the world, they have foisted on a beautiful platinum blonde weed and Eve club was chosen for the meeting "random" between the two. Dictator Amin Dada
Clients from Eve's companions were also Russians. One of the most important weed guest was Helen's some Rajkov, which turned out to be KGB colonel, was later arrested in Hong Kong for espionage. Another weed client of Eve was famous Czech spy Frolic, which rocked U.S. intelligence flee the Communist bloc, he gave the MI 5:01 list of 102 names of KGB agents in the UK cover. weed Stories of Eve's are all spectacular, and Mrs. O'Bien, formerly lived up Constantinescu it

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