Thursday, July 24, 2014

League of Legends Special Events Online Classroom Play! Download Help Champions Items Runes Talents

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Big plays tend to be dangerous, flashy and EXTREMELY FUN. If you and your team want to test a composition of a viable team that is almost guaranteed to have some decent moves spotlight, marder test the composition below: Suggested LineUp: Top: Riven Mid: Ahri Jungle: Lee Sin ADC: Ezreal Support: Leona Advantages : - Great mobility - Great burst damage in 1 1 - Huge potential for harm - Great control group on a single target - Good chance to catch someone marder out of position Disadvantages: - Damage in a small area - Low control group in area - considerable mechanical difficulty
1. Focus on Top Lane This team has a very strong marder early game (early game), but also depends on the certainty of winning the lane to have a strong presence in the late game (end game). marder Lee Sin should focus more on Top Lane, since the Riven get to have a snow-ball effect on the game, she will put it a lot easier, marder now if you can not, go back to the game will be very complicated.
2. Items in the construction of the Lee, builde-tank. Definitely make sure to build tanks items on Lee Sin. Even though Leona is very strong in the mid and late game (middle and end of the game) because of changes in the Stands Season 4, this team will have many problems in initiations if Lee makes only items of damage.
3. Choose marder to fight narrow places. In the mid and late game when team fights begin, do the utmost to avoid fights in the mid and prefer fighting marder in the jungle where you can narrow down your opponents in an area of better effect. Despite the power of poke and dive team be this high, against a team with lots of stopping the initiation enemy things marder can get complicated very quickly.
To easily beat this team, it's just a matter of counterar the lane with a strong power of initiation / counter initiation. She does not do well against a strong composition of area damage unless they are highly coordinated and / or highly skilled.
Top: Garen - If it start with Doran's Shield, is surely one of the most complicated disputes that you can play against Riven. Despite marder being a contest of skill, this lane leans heavily to the side of Garen and should cause many problems for Riven, even if Lee Campar for her. Mid: Gragas - Strong poke, good cleaning minions, strong against initiation, beyond the W allow it to survive the damage Ahri. Jungle: Amumu - Despite having to be careful with the invasions of Lee in his jungle as you make your player in mid wardar near your Red (buff - red) early in the game, he must survive with relative ease. His "The Curse of the Mummy Down" will stop anyone wherever you are, and also allows your team to take Riven and explode easily. ADC: Caitlyn - With so much potential to kill the ADC they have on their team, you want to stay as far as possible to avoid being caught in a combo there Insec after Leona or paralyzed by the Riven combado or all of one time. She can also go decently against Ezreal. Support: Taric - If they will pick Leona, you will want someone strong preseason that fourth on the team ... he is also very good against Leona while playing defensively marder and not offensively.
Big plays tend to be dangerous, flashy and EXTREMELY FUN. If you and your team want to test a composition of a viable team that is almost guaranteed to have some decent moves spotlight, test the composition below: Suggested LineUp: Top: Riven Mid: Ahri Jungle: Lee Sin ADC: Ezreal marder Support: Leona Advantages : - Great mobility - Great burst damage in 1x1 - Huge potential for harm - Great control group on a single target - Good chance to catch someone out of position Disadvantages: - Damage in a small area - Low control group in the area - Difficulty mechanical ...
Next: Promotion of Champions and skins: giving a peek
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Mysterious Skins back for a limited time! # leagueoflegends http://tc

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